NU-An Ahlussunah Waljamaah An-Nahdliyyah Student Book Class 9 MTs / Middle School Curriculum 2013 DIY 2017The book application in the hands of this reader is a mandatory reference for teachers and students in the school environment under the Maarif NU Education Institute, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This book contains the values of the beliefs and teachings of the Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah An-Nahdliyyah (Aswaja An-Nahdliyah) beliefs and the practice of worship practices owned by the Nahdlatul Ulama congregation. The book is a summary of the various thoughts of the salaf and kholaf scholars in the Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah An-Nahdliyyah school of thought which is written in various classic books and contemporary books. For this reason, it is hoped that the presence of this book can provide clear direction and guidance for the learning process in Maarif schools within the Maarif NU Education Institute in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.As Chairperson of LP Maarif NU DIY, we thank the author and all parties who have jointly brought about the publication of this book. May Allah Subkhanahu Wataala accept all good deeds and reward us all with abundant rewards. Aamiin ya Robbal alamin.TABLE OF CONTENTSFOREWORDFOREWORD FROM PWNU DIYMARS SUBBANUL WATHONMARS MAARIF NUSEMESTER 1CHAPTER 1. AHLUSSUNNAH WALJAMAAHCHAPTER 2. AQIDAH ASWAJA AN-NAHDLIYYAHCHAPTER 3. SHARIA ASWAJA AN-NAHDLIYAHCHAPTER 4. TASAWUF ASWAJA AN-NAHDLIYAHCHAPTER 5. TRADITION AND CULTURESEMESTER 2CHAPTER 6. ASWAJA AND POLITICSCHAPTER 7. ISLAM AND THE STATECHAPTER 8. MABADI KHAIRA UMMAHCHAPTER 9. KHITTAH NAHDLATUL ULAMACHAPTER 10. SOURCES OF TEACHING ASWAJA AN-NAHDLIYYAHBIBLIOGRAPHYHopefully this application can be useful as material for study and become a loyal friend anytime and anywhere without having to be online.Please give us suggestions and input for the development of this application, give a rate of 5 to give us a sense of enthusiasm in developing other useful applications.Disclaimer :This book is a student book prepared by the Maarif Nahdlatul Ulama Education Institute for the Special Region of Yogyakarta in the context of implementing the 2013 Curriculum. This book was compiled and reviewed by various parties who are members of the NU-An Ahlussunnah Waljamaah An-Nahdliyyah book preparation team LP Maarif NU DIY. This book is a "living document" which is constantly being improved, renewed and updated in accordance with the Ahlussunnah Waljamaah An-Nahdliyyah manhaj.Input from various groups is expected to improve the quality of this book.